I come from an extended family tree of Rabbis, Jewish educators and Hebraic scholars that stretches deep back into the early 19th century. I grew up on both Long Island and on the Upper West Side of New York City. My own Jewish education was a delicious mix of rich home based Jewish family experiences, Jewish summer camp, synagogue affiliation, Hebrew school, private tutors and travel back and forth to Israel on youth programs several times by the age of 23. Many years have passed since then. My adult professional life has followed two interwoven streams of creativity: Jewish Communal Education and the life of a Dance and Theatre Performer/Teaching Artist and Storyteller. ( Double click to check out the link to my current theatre arts activities and biography here:_www.kintelplus.org )
I began tutoring students for Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 1986 and facilitating home based Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies in 2003 at the request of friends happily living in interfaith marriages who were surprised to find out that their children were expecting to become Bar and Bat Mitzvah. This, although they had not experienced any formal Jewish education. And so we discussed, designed and got going. I adjusted what I was doing with each student as we moved along. Word got around. I have taught children of interfaith marriages, children who have two Jewish parents but for a variety of reasons have not chosen to join a synagogue or temple, or for private reasons have left the temple but still value the Bar/Bat Mitzvah journey. I have worked with many students who have special needs. Some students have studied with me for two years. Others for six months. For each student that I have travelled alongside, a customized journey has been a rich and rewarding experience for us both. By the way I also officiate interfaith weddings.
More formal background information:
Seventh Grade Jewish Educator - Holocaust Education and Israel Specialist:
Dix Hills Jewish Center 2012-present
Jewish Family Educator:
Huntington Jewish Center 2000-present
Temple Beth Torah 2000-2002
92nd. Street "Y" in NYC - Created and taught the CONNECT Jewish Family Education program 1983-1998
Head Teacher/Director B'nai Jeshurun/Ansche Chesed Joint Community Jewish After School NYC 1984-1986
Guest Theatre Artist/Jewish Educator:
Berkshire Hills Emanuel Camps - working with senior citizen campers and teen campers together 1997-1999
Olin Sang Ruby Jewish Summer Camp -Wisconsin 1985
Camp Ramah of the Berkshires 1984
Storytelling Performances and Theatre Performances
See bio: _http://www.kintelplus.org
Senior Teaching Artist in Theatre and Dance in arts residencies throughout Long Island school systems:
Tilles Center for the Performing Arts - Education Department 2005 to present
Eastern Suffolk BOCES - "C3Squared" - 2009 to present
I began tutoring students for Bar/Bat Mitzvah in 1986 and facilitating home based Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies in 2003 at the request of friends happily living in interfaith marriages who were surprised to find out that their children were expecting to become Bar and Bat Mitzvah. This, although they had not experienced any formal Jewish education. And so we discussed, designed and got going. I adjusted what I was doing with each student as we moved along. Word got around. I have taught children of interfaith marriages, children who have two Jewish parents but for a variety of reasons have not chosen to join a synagogue or temple, or for private reasons have left the temple but still value the Bar/Bat Mitzvah journey. I have worked with many students who have special needs. Some students have studied with me for two years. Others for six months. For each student that I have travelled alongside, a customized journey has been a rich and rewarding experience for us both. By the way I also officiate interfaith weddings.
More formal background information:
Seventh Grade Jewish Educator - Holocaust Education and Israel Specialist:
Dix Hills Jewish Center 2012-present
Jewish Family Educator:
Huntington Jewish Center 2000-present
Temple Beth Torah 2000-2002
92nd. Street "Y" in NYC - Created and taught the CONNECT Jewish Family Education program 1983-1998
Head Teacher/Director B'nai Jeshurun/Ansche Chesed Joint Community Jewish After School NYC 1984-1986
Guest Theatre Artist/Jewish Educator:
Berkshire Hills Emanuel Camps - working with senior citizen campers and teen campers together 1997-1999
Olin Sang Ruby Jewish Summer Camp -Wisconsin 1985
Camp Ramah of the Berkshires 1984
Storytelling Performances and Theatre Performances
See bio: _http://www.kintelplus.org
Senior Teaching Artist in Theatre and Dance in arts residencies throughout Long Island school systems:
Tilles Center for the Performing Arts - Education Department 2005 to present
Eastern Suffolk BOCES - "C3Squared" - 2009 to present